Asia IX

Your Gateway to Asia Connections

Connect, Collaborate, and Conquer Asia's Digital Landscape​

Explore fast connectivity through DCConnect’s robust network infrastructure to meet your Asia targets. We are committed to delivering superior service with high-speed, reliable, and secure connectivity, enhancing your application performance.



Effortless connect to multiple IXs and on-demand, enjoying the flexibility to scale your bandwidth according to your needs.

Cost Optimization​

Cost Optimization​

Eliminate the need for high upfront investments and pay only for the required bandwidth and connections.

Improved Network Performance​

Improved Network Performance​

Facilitate access to a high-speed, low-latency interconnection for your applications.​

Enhanced Customer Experience​

Enhanced Customer Experience​

Elevate customer satisfaction by providing faster access to the applications for your end users.​

How Does it Function?

We streamlined process to connect your business to major Internet Exchanges (IXs) in Asia. Internet Exchange Points serve as hubs where networks converge, facilitating direct interconnection. This eliminates unnecessary detours, enabling the efficient exchange of data with fewer hops. The result? Lower latency, enhanced internet performance, and increased reliability for your end-users.

Powered by a dedicated Layer 2 connectivity link between your business and the IXs, DCConnect goes beyond standard connectivity solutions. This dedicated connection not only enhances the security of your data but also translates into significant cost savings on IP transit expenses. By forging this dedicated link, you’ll experience substantial improvements in traffic routing, optimizing the efficiency and reliability of your network.


Asia IX Topology


We are efficiently connected to major Internet exchange points with a comprehensive solution that combines centralized hubs, MPLS-enabled connectivity, dedicated Layer 2 links, and scalability features to enhanced network performance. It’s more than a connection; it’s a pathway to a superior digital experience for your business and end-users alike!

Check Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications​

We operate on a highly resilient meshed Layer 2 platform, ensuring robust and efficient connectivity

We support both IPv4 and IPv6 peering, providing a smooth experience for networks utilizing either protocol

Connect directly into the two DCConnect Route Servers, optimizing the efficiency of data exchange within the network “DCXMAS23”

24/7 NOC Support ensuring rapid response and resolution to any issues

ASIA IX Datasheet 2

Forge Ahead Digitally!​

To fortify your digital initiatives with a foundation built on speed, reliability, and security, propelling your applications to new heights of efficiency and user satisfaction.