什么是 ESG?


Simple Steps, Big Impact: Our ESG for a Better World

At DCConnect Global, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world by actively addressing the urgent issue of climate change. Our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) program is designed to deliver measurable results, contributing to a significant reduction in the environmental impact associated with climate change.

Our ESG program goes beyond mere commitment; it is rooted in sustainable practices. We are dedicated to adopting and promoting these practices in every facet of our business. Together, through collective action, we can effect meaningful change and address the challenges posed by climate change. Explore our ESG initiatives to learn more about how we are making a difference.


Reduce Inequality: Building a Better Future for All

The world we live in should be a great world for everyone, including our special needs friends. At DCConnect, we have a mission to support them by creating meaningful job opportunities.

We have chosen Lovely Disabled Home, an organization dedicated to fostering employment opportunities for our friends with special needs.

How can we help? With a pair of opportunities!
By purchasing specially packaged LDH socks, we are not just buying a product but contributing to a cause. Every purchase is a step toward positive change, reducing inequality. And yes, your contribution matters! Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of our friends with special needs. Together, we can foster inclusivity, create opportunities, and build a better future


DCConnect 致力于通过实施国际和国内环境管理体系来提高我们的环境绩效并减少对环境的影响。这包括设定目标、密切监控我们的进展并不断改进。我们的具体环保承诺如下:

  • • 在业务运营和设施中,我们将采用节能环保的方式构建绿色网络,最大限度地减少我们自己的能源消耗和二氧化碳排放。
  • • 在供应商选择流程中,我们将采用产品分类和其他节能标准,并对价值链利益相关方的环境政策进行评估。我们还将鼓励他们减少对环境的影响。
  • 在新产品和服务研发方面,我们将大力发展节能技术和低碳服务。
  • 在包装和运输流程中,我们将使用绿色包装解决方案,最大限度地减少运输过程中对环境的影响。
  • 在废物管理工作中,我们将促进回收和再利用,以减少原材料的消耗。所有废物将由专门机构妥善处置。
  • 在建筑设计中,我们将选择符合当地适用的国家和行业标准的低碳、节能和环保技术。
  • 在新建项目中,我们将使用节能环保材料、低碳创新技术以及可再生能源。
  • 在并购尽职调查流程中,我我们将对目标公司的环境政策进行评估。
  • 在日常运营中,我们将提倡节水、节能、节纸等低碳工作习惯,减少浪费。


DCConnect 致力于成为负责任的企业公民,并为我们运营所在社区的福祉做出贡献。这包括促进多样性和包容性、支持当地经济发展以及参与与利益相关者合作,了解并解决他们所关心的问题。我们还努力为员工创造积极、包容的工作环境,为他们提供成长和发展的机会发展他们的技能。


DCConnect致力于维护公司治理和道德行为的最高标准。这包括透明且负责任的决策流程、有效的风险管理以及遵守所有相关法律法规。 DCConnect 还致力于协调股东和利益相关者的利益,促进长期价值创造。
