OSS & BSS Demystified: Why DC Gateway Delivers Superior Automation 

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For years, traditional telecom providers held us captive with limited, outdated solutions. Slow manual processes,mountains of paperwork, and high costs were the frustrating norm. Thankfully, the telecommunications industry is embracing automation software, streamlining processes and improving efficiency. But in this evolving landscape, what truly sets DC Gateway apart? 

DC Gateway is a revolutionary Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) based platfrom that’s shaking up the industry. We don’t just offer automation – we deliver a powerful, award-winning platform. In fact, the MEF forum recognized our innovation by naming us the Best NaaS Service Provider in 2024.  

DC Gateway offers complete automation for Data Center Interconnection, Cloud Connect, and Instant DIA. We automate services in 63 countries, partnering with over 1,000 data centers and more than 300 public clouds. By combining MEF LSO BSS and MEF LSO OSS, our automation capability allows for pricing checks and provisioning of requested services in just a few clicks and minutes. 

According to Gartner, an OSS (operations support systems) is a set of programs that help Telcos monitor, control and analyse the network and its behaviour. On the other hand, BSS (business support systems) refers to various software program that assist Telcos in managing and streamlining customer-facing services. 

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According to Medium on 2023, effective BSS and OSS systems offer many different benefits for Telcos, especially in revenue generation. These systems often work hand in hand. For example, an OSS can onboard customers to a network and ensure connectivity. The BSS will then ensure that the customer is billed correctly and provide them with information related to personalised offers and promotions that meet their needs. In this way, both systems ensure a great customer experience. 

Excited and want to book a demo? Simply drop an email at at alliance@dcconnectglobal.com, or speak to a specialist by clicking this link:https://www.dcconnectglobal.com/dc-gateway/ 

Author Biography: 

Rinesa Diola Audrina, Digital Marketing 

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